Abstract: The objectivity of scientific truth is no longer a taken-for-granted concept. Rather, it has been rendered suspect, because there is doubt about both the possibility of acquiring it and its intrinsic value. This article is an attempt to show the contrary. After describing three main reasons why the concept of thk objectivity of scientific truth has been under fire lately, I suggest that the notion of objectivity itself should be recast. The rejection of objectivity actually arises from the misunderstanding that leads to the
conflation between objectivi~m and objectivity The next part of the artide tries to show that the objec&ity of scientific truth, to a certain extent, can be attributed not only to natural sciences but also to social sciences, and that ethics can also give objective moral knowledge. Objectivity is a moral concept, before it is a methodological concept. Thus, objectivity is humanly valuable and should not be abandoned.
Keywords: Objektivitas, metode ilmiah, kebenaran, sains, etika.
"Some femi~rists and thinkers jrorn other liberatory knolubdge project, have thought that the ueg, notion o j objectivity shonld be abandoned. They 19 i t is hopelesr~ tainted ly its use in racist, imperialist, bourgeoir, homophobic, and androcent~c rcientific projects. Moreover, i t is tied to a
theory of representation and concept o j the selj or subect that inriitr on a rigid barrier between subject and object of knoidege-between selj and Other." (Sandra ~ a r d i n ~ ) .
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